Carpet, Windows, And Appliances - Three Things To Focus On When Selling Your Home

Posted on: 27 April 2018

Getting your home ready to put on the real estate market can be stressful. There's so much to do on top of the task of finding your new home and getting ready to move. Here, you'll learn a few things that you really need to focus on to ensure you get your house sold quickly for as much as you possibly can.

Carpet Care

One of the first things that potential buyers are going to look at is the carpeting. Carpeting can house all sorts of nasty stuff that can not only make the house look bad, but can also make it smell awful. If your carpeting looks dirty, you'll push potential buyers out the door before they even make it through the house.

Have all of the carpeting in the home cleaned – including the stairs. You have enough to worry about without spending days scrubbing carpets, so this is a job best left to the professionals when you're preparing your house to sell. They will know how to get all of the tough spots out, and the machine will extract all of the deep down dirt. 

Once the carpeting is clean and dry, get a roll of cling carpet-covering plastic. This clear film will cover the carpeting, but the potential buyers will still be able to see the general condition of the carpet underneath. This makes it easier for people to walk through the house without having to take their shoes off, and will protect the carpet while the house is on the market.


Your potential buyers will also be checking out the windows. Windows cause a lot of problems when it comes to energy efficiency, so buyers will check to make sure that everything is sealed tight and in good working order.

Take the time to clean the windows – more than just the glass. Clean the frame, the tracks, and the grids. If you find that something isn't working right, contact your local window professional for assistance with making the repairs.


If you're leaving your appliances behind, make sure that you've cleaned them all well. You don't want a potential buyer to open your fridge and see milk that was spilled a week ago. Be sure to focus on all of the seals around the doors, scrub to get any hard water stains out of dishwashers and washing machines, and clean out the detergent dispensers.

You've got a big job ahead of you, but you can get it done. Before you know it, you'll be accepting an offer and moving on to your next home. For more information, you can contact companies like Campo's On The Spot Carpet Services Inc.
