Tips To Clean Your Home's Windows, Screens, And Tracks

Posted on: 8 August 2018

Keeping your home's windows opened during cool summer mornings or spring days is a nice way to let the fresh outdoor air into your home. But the dirt and dust from outside can come into your home and cause your windows to get dirty. Here are some tips to help you clean your windows to keep them and their components sparkling clean and free of dust and dirt build-up.

Window Tracks

The tracks of your window create the perfect area for dust, dirt, and dead bugs to settle into and collect. So before you spray any cleaning solution onto your windows or into their tracks, first use a vacuum to suck up any loose bits from the tracks of your windows. Slide your windows to the side and vacuum under them as well. If you can remove your windows from the tracks, do this so you can completely vacuum up any dust from the tracks and from the base of each of your removable windows.

After vacuuming up the debris, spray a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar into the tracks and wipe up any residue with a cloth. To get into small cracks in the tracks, wrap your cloth around the end of a flat head screwdriver and use its point to remove dirt from these tight areas.


Window screens can get quite dirty, especially when you place window fans into your windows to circulate air in and out of your home. This fast flow of air can cause dirt and dust to collect in the mesh of the screens.

Remove your window screens and spray them down with your hose. Next, use a plastic scrub brush and some warm soapy water to remove the build-up. Be careful you don't push out or tear your screens, especially older screen fabrics that can become brittle. Finish by rinsing them clean with your hose. Allow them to air dry and replace them in your windows.

Window Glass

Last, clean your home's window glass inside and out. Fill a bucket full of warm, soapy water, which is helpful to lift and remove dead bugs, dirt, and bird droppings that may be stuck onto your window glass. Use a ladder to access the entire height of your windows safely.

Use a squeegee's sponge end to wash the windows, then the squeegee's rubber blade to remove the dirty water. Work from the top of the window to the bottom using horizontal swipes. At the end of each swipe with the squeegee's rubber blade, wipe the blade onto a towel to remove the dirt and to keep it from getting back onto the glass. For more information, contact a company like Skyline Highrise Services today!
