Are You A Senior Sharing A Home With Roommates? 3 Tips To End Cleaning Squabbles

Posted on: 28 November 2018

Today's senior citizens are taking a cue from their college years and remembering the benefits that sharing a home with others has for their finances and emotions. While you may love always having someone around to watch a movie with or share a meal, there does come a point when most roommates eventually hit upon a conflict. Cleaning squabbles are common among even the closest of roommates, and you can end yours by using these tips to help everyone get on the same page.

Create a Chore Chart

Remember those chore charts that worked so well when your children were younger? Well, now is the time to bring them back. Having a central location where everyone can see what needs to be done and who is responsible helps to increase accountability. You can also easily see when shared tasks are completed such as emptying the dishwasher so that you know if they need to be done again. Grab some pasteboard and markers or print out a calendar. Then, host a group meeting with your roommates to determine who is responsible for each duty along with a method for checking completed tasks off. 

Respect Everyone's Limitations

Many older adults prefer this living arrangement because it helps them to overcome common health issues such as back pain or arthritis that limit their ability to handle certain tasks. As you work together to delegate chores, remember to respect each other's abilities. If you come across a chore such as cleaning the bathtub or wiping down the windows that no one can do safely, then arrange for regular residential cleaning services to ensure that none of your roommates is forced to risk their safety for a clean house.

Plan for Special Events

When you have a built in set of friends at your house, you can be that you will be entertaining often. Whether you want to host a holiday party or your roommate is eager to celebrate the arrival of a new grandkid, the last thing you want to do is argue over the pre-party prep or cleanup afterwards. Plan ahead by asking your residential cleaning crew to help your group get ready for special events so that all you and your roommates have to do is relax and enjoy the fun.

Arguments over cleaning have existed for as long as people have shared living spaces. However, you have reached a point in life where you don't have to let menial chores interfere with your relationships. By setting up a housekeeping plan that everyone can live with, you and your roommates can spend more time enjoying each other's company while still living in a clean environment.
