Why Clean Your Carpets When They Look Clean Already?

Posted on: 30 June 2020

No matter how clean your carpets look to you, it's always wise to have them steam cleaned periodically by a professional carpet cleaning company. It's advisable to have your carpets cleaned at least once a year, although some people can stretch this out to about a year and a half between cleanings.

If you have never had your carpets professionally cleaned, it's time to consider this service, even if your carpers look and smell fresh. Here are the reasons why your carpets need to be cleaned even if they appear OK. Always have your carpets cleaned professionally rather than doing the deeper cleaning yourself; the results will be better and you can ask your carpet cleaning specialist about the care of your carpet when they visit your home.

Your carpets have lots of dirt

Carpets, in general, can house up to four times their own weight in dirt, which means you likely have lots of dirt in your carpets. Household vacuums can only pick up so much dirt, dander, hair, and grime, and deep-set dirt will compile over time and wear out your carpets — not to mention your sinuses.

To keep your carpets fresh and actually clean, have them steam cleaned regularly. Your carpet cleaning specialist will recommend a cleaning schedule based on how many children or indoor pets you have, the type of carpet you have, and if anyone in the home has allergies or upper respiratory issues. You may have to have your carpets cleaned a few times a year for best results.

Your carpets last longer

One of the best ways to help your carpets last longer is to have them professionally cleaned by carpet cleaning services. These services help to preserve the carpet fibers that exist in your flooring, allowing your carpets to maintain their original shape and luster longer and keep the fibers from being matted out and worn. Furthermore, removing the smells and long-gone stains from carpets allows you to enjoy them longer as well.

When you compare the costs to replace worn carpet to the cost of investing in carpet cleaning professionals, you'll see that hiring someone to clean your carpets annually is the wiser investment. Carpet cleaning averages around $.25 per square foot, so the smaller your home or the fewer carpets you have to clean, the cheaper your services can be. Get a quote for carpet cleaning from your carpet cleaning company when you schedule your appointment.
