Learn More About Dusty and Dirty Air Ducts

Posted on: 18 August 2020

It's easy to overlook your air ducts. Unless there is a leak or a mysterious sound coming from them, the ducts rarely give a person a reason to give them a second thought. However, just because they work silently while they play a major role in the heating and cooling of your home doesn't mean they should be ignored forever. Reading the information about HVAC ductwork here will help you understand why some attention should be paid to the ducts and when and why they should be cleaned. 

Problems with air ducts can cause problems in other areas

Any problems that happen in the air ducts can lead to problems in other areas of the home. If there are issues such as mold, the spores will be blown out of the vents into the rooms where you and your family members will breathe them in, which can cause serious health problems. Air ducts with water in them can lead to water damage in various areas. 

Air ducts can become dusty quickly

Keeping a clean air filter in your HVAC air return is important when it comes to helping prevent more dust from gathering throughout the system, but even with proper filters, dust can still get in the ductwork. It can collect in there quickly under various conditions as well. If you live in a dustier than average region, then it can be difficult to control dust in all parts of your home, and this includes your ducts. Also, if you have certain types of animals in your home, such as birds, then you can have more trouble keeping the vents clean. 

Air ducts often show signs they need to be cleaned

Excessive dust in the ducts can translate to family members with issues like puffy eyes, an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, and other allergy symptoms. Anyone with asthma may have more attacks, as well as more severe ones. Something else a lot of people don't know about dirty ducts is that they can cause the HVAC system to become much less efficient.

You might notice this issue when it is reflected on your energy bill which will start to become higher than what you would expect it to be. When efficiency becomes this much of a problem, it can also cause the system to need more repairs due to how much harder it has to work. Make sure to always take care of your HVAC system with a thorough vent cleaning.
