Home Caregiver For Someone That Has Alzheimers? How A Laundry Service Can Help You

Posted on: 29 December 2020

If you are the main caregiver for someone that has Alzheimer's, this can be very stressful for you. One thing you likely are finding a hard time doing is fixing meals and doing housework, such as doing the laundry. Because it is so important that the laundry is done, you can hire a laundry service to help you. Below are three ways this type of service can help you.

Can Save Money

Washing clothes at home uses up a lot of water and if you have a lot of laundry, this will increase your water bill. Drying a lot of clothes can also increase your electric bill. Over time this can lead to a large amount of money. Laundry services do cost money but the money you save on your water bill will cover this charge in most cases.

This can also save you money as there will be much less work on your washer and dryer. This will help each appliance last longer for you, which is beneficial as washers and dryers are expensive.

Saves You Time

One big benefit of hiring a laundry service is this will save you time. This is especially true if you have a lot of laundry to do on a daily basis. You can then spend the time you save on other chores, such as cleaning your home.

Saving time will also give you more time to spend with the person that has Alzheimer's. For example, you can sit with them to provide companionship that is likely much needed, do activities with them, and much more.

Clean Your Clothes Better

Even though you likely purchase good laundry detergent, a laundry service has high-quality detergents they use. People with Alzheimer's often have urine or feces that get on their clothes from having accidents. This causes clothes to have a bad smell, especially if they do this over and over. A laundry service can ensure all odors are taken out of the clothing.

If you have curtains or other things besides clothing, the laundry service can also clean these better than you in most cases. They will have larger washing machines in order to wash larger things like comforters, blankets, and more. This will ensure these things are much cleaner. The service will also ensure your clothes and other things are washed in the right water temperature and dried at the right temperature to prevent things from shrinking or becoming damaged. 

Talk with a laundry service in your area to learn more about how they can help you.
