3 Ways Construction Janitorial Services Benefit Building Contractors

Posted on: 4 August 2021

If you are a new building contractor, then you may instruct all of your crew members to clean up after themselves yet still find that the job site is a mess more often than not. In addition, you may wonder just who you will hire to clean up the home you are building post-construction to get it ready to show to potential buyers. 

One business that can help you with all of your construction site cleaning problems and tasks is a post-construction janitorial service. These services provide a variety of construction site cleaning services that make keeping the site cleaner both during and after the construction process easier. 

Read on to learn about three specific ways that janitorial services benefit building contractors. 

1. Keep Crew Safer During Construction 

A commercial janitorial service can help keep your crew safer during the construction process by providing construction site interval cleaning services.

Interval cleanings can be performed as often as you would like. While performing interval cleaning, a cleaning expert can clean and sanitize bathrooms to help reduce the spread of germs inside of the bathroom and around the building site. They also sweep up construction dust and debris and remove leftover construction materials, such as unwanted nails and leftover pieces of cut wooden boards, to prevent employee trip-and-falls and other injuries that can occur at cluttered building sites. 

You can also request that additional cleaning tasks be performed during these visits. 

2. A Rough Clean Prevents Building Finish Damage

Another important service that a construction janitorial cleaning service offers is called a rough clean. Unlike the building's final clean, which is performed just before the new home goes on the market for sale, a rough clean is performed before the final building finishes are installed.

During a rough clean, a janitor will clean floor underlayments to remove dust, dirt, and debris; this service prepares the underlayments for the installation of carpeting, tile floors, and other types of flooring. They also wash building windows; remove construction dust that may interfere with the installation of finish materials, such as countertops and paint; and remove additional unwanted construction debris and dirt. 

3. A Final Clean Can Help You Please Potential Buyers

After building finishes are installed and a new home is almost ready to sell, the home is ready for a final clean service. During the final clean, windows are cleaned, construction dust is removed from every nook and cranny of the home, hardwood floors are buffed and waxed, and every room in the home is cleaned until it is virtually spotless. 

When you have an experienced post-construction cleaning professional clean the home instead of your crew or others with less cleaning experience, you do not have to worry that potential buyers will uncover hidden dirt, debris, and/or construction materials that the inexperienced cleaners missed. 

If you are a new building contractor, then hire a post-construction janitorial service for all of your construction site cleaning needs. 
