A Cleaning Service That Eliminates Pet Urine Odors

Posted on: 28 November 2022

Pet enzymatic cleaners break down uric acid molecules. A cleaning attendant may use cleaners, steam cleaning equipment, and some natural remedies to rid your home of foul urine odors.

Your Perception

When your pet urinates on a couch, flooring, or another surface within your home, you may automatically target the liquid mess, but not be aware of how bad your home's interior actually smells. Becoming accustomed to the everyday scents that greet you may not provide you with a valid perception of how dirty your home may actually be. Spot cleaning stains may not eliminate all the urine. Uric molecules, bacteria, and dirty residue can become embedded in furnishings and floor coverings.

A professional cleaning service goes to work to eliminate what is causing the conditions in your home to be dirty, instead of using artificially and naturally scented products to mask odors. A clean fresh home will not be laden with multiple scents. Instead, it will feature neutralized air that is odor free or that contains a light pleasant scent that isn't concealing foul odors.

Cleaning Processes

An enzymatic cleanser can be sprayed or sprinkled onto vinyl flooring, carpets, upholstery, and many other surfaces that contain fibers or lack them. If a cleaning attendant is going to be using a liquid cleaner to target urine scents, they may apply this product in conjunction with a steam cleaning process. First, they may liberally apply the liquid agent. Next, they may prepare a shampoo product and water.

An industrial steam cleaner will grip flooring and efficiently lift dirt and other substances that have been discoloring floor coverings. Using a cleanser and a steam cleaning product will effectively remove all signs of pet urine. A cleaning attendant may also use some natural cleaning agents that are not harsh. Lemon oil, baking soda, white vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide can be used to effectively neutralize odors and lift stains.

If an attendant will be using a line of industrial cleaning products, they can suggest some ones that you can invest in to perform basic cleaning applications in between professional ones. To deter your pet from staining surfaces in your home, invest in pads that will absorb urine. If you own a cat, make sure that you have an adequate litter box at their disposal at all times. Keep the box in one spot. This will ensure that your pet does not become confused about its location and wind up urinating on household possessions.

For more information on pet urine odor removal, contact a professional near you.
