Soft Wash Roof Cleaning | What You Should Know

Posted on: 14 December 2022

Keeping your roof in top condition is one of the most important aspects of home maintenance. A clean roof helps improve your home's overall look and value, but it's also important to have a well-maintained roof to protect your home from damage due to weather or debris. With so many different methods of cleaning roofs, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you and your home. One popular method is soft wash roof cleaning. Here's a closer look at what that is and whether it's safe for your roof. 

What Is Soft Wash Roof Cleaning?

Soft wash roof cleaning is a relatively new method of cleaning roofs that uses low-pressure and specialized detergents to safely clean away dirt, mold, mildew, algae, and other contaminants without damaging the shingles on your roof. It involves spraying a special solution on the surface of the shingles with a low-pressure sprayer. The solvent works its way into the crevices and grooves of the shingle to break down and remove any dirt or debris without causing any harm to the material itself.

Is Soft Wash Roof Cleaning Safe for My Roof?

This method of cleaning roofs is safe for all types of roofs. Soft wash roof cleaning can give your roof a deep clean while preserving its integrity due to its gentle application technique. Additionally, this method doesn't require harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that might cause further damage to your roof, your garden beds below the roofline, or the environment.

What Is the Difference Between Soft Wash and Pressure Wash?

Pressure washing involves using high-pressure water jets to blast away dirt and debris from surfaces like cement patios and walkways. While this method may work great for certain applications, like outdoor hardscapes, it's not recommended for use on roofs since its brute force can easily damage your roof.

On the other hand, soft wash roof cleaning uses low-pressure levels coupled with specialized detergents that break down dirt without harming the surface being cleaned. This makes it an ideal choice for safely removing dirt from asphalt shingles without causing any damage to them.

Overall, soft wash roof cleaning is an effective way to keep your roof looking great while also protecting it from future damage caused by debris or mildew buildup. This method uses low-pressure levels combined with specialized detergents designed specifically for roofs.

Contact a soft wash roof cleaning service in your area today.
